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BG Buddy

4.6 ( 2976 ratings )
Verktyg Spel Bräde Tärningsspel
Utvecklare: James Knipe

BG Buddy is a backgammon scoreboard and much more! Features include a tournament clock, dice, cube, scorecard, position photos and stats. Talking dice allow visually impaired players to play unaided. Everything you need to score and keep track of your live match data.

•Tournament style match clock: Adjustable clock times and grace times for each player allowing for time handicaps.
Clock presets include:
-Standard (2 minutes/point + 12 seconds grace time per move)
-Speedgammon 0.4 (26 seconds/point + 10)
-Speedgammon 0.5 (30 seconds/point + 10)
-Consultation Doubles (3 minutes/point + 15)

•Match Play or Unlimited/Money games with Jacoby, Beaver and settlement options.

•Win percentages. See how your win percentage has changed over time by selecting the previous: 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years, or all matches periods.
Group your matches by event/tournament or opponent name and see your win percentages for each.

•Take position photos to improve your game and keep them organised for each match. Match scores, cube value and cube decision appear under each photo.
Mark photos to show the correct cube decision and whether you made the correct decision over the board.

•Share you position photos via social media either immediately or after the match. Choose “Cube Action?” to test your friends without showing your actual play.

•Random dice with cube: Speed up your matches significantly - no shaking, no cocked dice, no floored dice.

•Choice of dice generator including the Mersenne Twister Generator which uses a secret code input by each player before the match. This offers proof that the dice are fair.

•Talking Dice feature for visually impaired players - audible dice, cube, clock times and score information at all times allowing unaided play.

•Automatically tweet your game and match results.